
Mirage's I Don't Dress Off The Rack
" Armani"
Multiple Group Winner

Grey & White Male Brown Eyed
DOB - August 30, 2017
Owned By
Katie & Hoyt Stephens & Elizabeth Chism
Bred By
Elizabeth Chism & Rita Montgomery
Eyes - S-12048/20-38
Hips - SH-20764E25M-VPI
CHIC - 144549
* Highlights*
*2018 Shreveport, LA WD/BOW 1 Pt!!*
*2018 Shreveport, LA*
Back to Back to Back WD/BOS 5 Pts!!
*2018 Biloxi, MS WD 3 pt Major!!*
*2019 Alexandria, LA*
Back to Back WD/BOW 4 Pt Majors!!
Armani took Select Dog at the SHCMD Specialty 2019 His first show out as a Special.
AKC Puppy of Achievement

About Armani
Armani is out of our girl Secret, CH Mirage's Secret's In The Dark, and Icewind's Siberians boy Tux, GCH Icewind's Dressed to Kill. Tux had produced a beautiful litter with Secret's Dam, so we decided to try him with her as well. We could not have been more pleased with the outstanding puppies that were produced. Armani has a beautiful head piece, nice side gait with a clean down and back, and lovely proportions. Armani is super sweet and a love to be around. We are pleased with how he is maturing and wish his owners Katie & Hoyt Stephens much luck with him in the future!