Hello and Welcome to our Site! We are so happy that you stopped by! Our Siberians are a Major part of our lives. We just don't know what we would do without them. They are wonderful animals, and they have opened our lives to a world we would have never experienced without them! See our About Us Page for more information about..... Well....us! Feel free to look around, and browse the pictures, and profiles of each of our dogs. Each one is unique, and it is our pleasure to share a bit of our happiness with you!
Jason & Liz Chism
Completed his GCH In Dallas, TX with Limited showing and took BISS at the Siberian Husky Club of Metro Dallas!
Finished the year
#11 All Breed #10 Breed
In Limited Showing
Topeka, KS
Finished her CH with 3 majors on a specialty weekend.
Mirage's CloudPeak Coup D'Etat
Takes BISS at the Siberian Husky Club of Greater Atlanta!
Topeka, KS
Back to Back to Back majors on a Specialty weekend finishing his CH in just two weekends
What's New
"Sage" BOS AKC National Championships
"Sage" Takes BISS in Wichita, KS!
Currently the #6 Shiba Inu and the #1 Bitch! She is now
"Sage" BOS Shiba Inu Club of America National Specialty!!!
"Fame" back to back Majors finishing with a WB award at the Siberian Husky Cub of Greater St. Louis
"Sage" Select Bitch at Westminster Kennel Club!!!
"Sage" Roscka's Touch of Spice at Mirage - Orlando, FL BOB AKC National Championships! We are so thrilled to have this beautiful little girl.
"Wicked" BOB at the Amethyst Siberian Husky Specialty from the Bred-By Class!
Mirage's Wicked Rumors
Mirage's As Long As Stars Shine
RWB/Best Puppy
Wilmington, OH
SHCA National Speicalty!
"Fame" BOB Glen Rose, TX SHCMD Supported Entry!
Mirage's I Don't Dress off the Rack
Finished the year at # 14 in breed and #10 All Breed
GCHB Mirage's I Don't Need My Name in Lights
Finished the year at #16 in Breed
and #14 All Breed
GCHB Mirage's I Don't Dress off the Rack
Finished the year at # 9 in breed and #15 All Breed
What's New Cont...